Testing post
This is a testing post only
GP's Journal since 34
One of the important skill of a successful person, is that he or she is able to handle several things at the same time or is able to wear several hats or responsibilities at the same time. Gone are the traditional roles of mom and dad. Dad just need to bring home the bacon and mom just need to take care of the house and children. In the modern society, mom now need to work and dad plays a bigger role in bringing up the kids and sometimes as a homemaker too. The role of this multitasker multiples in a single parent home. It started when you are getting an education and continues on when you start to take home an income and start a family.
It can be overwhelming especially when it seems like you can't handle all the tasks at hand. Productivity suffers and nothing seems to get done.
An article "How to Multitask" by Catherine Bush. Shows us a way to effectively multitask.
1. Don't think you can actually do two things at once. Even when you think you're doing more than one thing simultaneously ...... Unlike a computer, the brain isn't structured as a parallel processor. It performs actions, even very simple actions, in a strict linear sequence. You must complete the first task, or part of that task, before moving on to the next. What we call multitasking is actually task switching......
2. Prioritize. To know when to switch tasks, you must distinguish between the tasks you must perform and those you can afford to blow off......
3. Immerse yourself in your immediate task, but don't forget what remains to be done next. To switch tasks successfully, the brain must marshal the resources required to perform the new task while shutting off, or inhibiting, the demands of the previous one.......
4. Depend on routines -- and compare new tasks with old ones. Multitasking becomes easier, scientists believe, when you make parts of the process routine......
5. Make schedules, not to-do lists...... For those of us who find multitasking difficult, Burgess claims that the simplest aids -- like timers and alarms -- are the most effective. When the American astronaut Jerry Linenger was working aboard the space station Mir, he wore three or four watches with alarms set to notify him when to switch tasks.......
There is a Chinese proverb which goes;
Instead of Blogging as your main source of business, blogging to support and give value to your main business. So what are the ways that blogging will help in your business.
1. Propaganda - Promote your main business.
This business strategy can work in a few ways.
a. Provide information of your product. This can comes in the form showing the nuts and bolts or inner working of your product. Show how to use your product. Show the features of your product. Basically, promote your product.
b. Tell people that how good your product is. The effects and benefits you get when you use the product.
c. Educate your customer. Not just those things that mentioned in a and b about your product but also related knowledge that will be helpful or simply make them more knowledgeable.
2. Offer extra value to your customer.
This business strategy will help to endear your customer to your products and turn them into your loyal customer.
a. Show what are the ways or recipes you can use to create something or do with your product.
b. Show how to "pimp", customise or modify the product to suit the customers taste or preference or to improve or change the functions of the product.
Examples of how blogging help with a certain business.
A. eBay business. Make good use of the About Me to let your customer know more about you. But this is probably limited in terms of the amount of things you can share. So, let them know about your blog.
i. Do announcement of new items of for sale on eBay. You can create loyal customers by having subscribers to your blog and they can know immediately through the subscription that you have a new item for sale.
ii. A more detailed description of the listed sale item. This way you can also educate your customer the history and the value of the item, especially the collectibles. Gain in doing this is that your customer will happy to know they are collecting or buying something of maybe sentimental or historical value and other gain is that you maybe able to sell the item at a much higher price.
iii. Create special promotions for your loyal customers who will subscribe and give them value and saving by staying loyal.
iv. Let your customer to get to know you better and your history of all the listed items. This can help to gain a reputation of things you are able to source to sell. It will work like a charm if you are specialised in certain collectibles and maybe they are able to get a similar item from you in the future.
v. Research on your customer by maybe using polls.
vi. Gain extra useful feedback from your readers using the comments.
vii. Create loyal customers using the above methods.
viii. Spin off in doing this, you might earn a tidy income from the ads in the blog. So in this case, having a blog works both ways and the bottom line is that you can use it to increase your sales in eBay and as well as profiteering from the ads in the blog.
B. Kitchenware business
i. After making a successful sale, you can further engage with your customer by letting them know what other useful things kitchenware you are selling.
ii. Educate your customer and let them know, how to use of your product in best possible ways. How to maintain your product. Possible problem and how to troubleshoot them.
iii. Give extra value like providing recipes that will use one of your kitchenware.
iv. Show your customers how to create a theme in the kitchen with your wares as these things are able to not only function to help to prepare or cook your food but also it can help to decorate your kitchen to your taste. Customisation of the look of the wares may even be possible to match overall theme in the kitchen. This help to make your kitchenware not to stick out like a sore thumb among the nicely coordinated kitchen furniture and wares and might even compliment the overall theme.
v. An additional way to promote your wares which you can draw in an international customers on the Internet.
vi. Research on your customer by using tools like polls.
vii. Gain extra useful feedback from your readers and maybe also further interaction by using the comments.
viii. Create a loyal group of customers using the above methods.
ix. Spin off in earning ads revenue with the blog.
This is where I will be making announcement pertaining to this blog and announcing of others blog that I will be setting up in the future. The bulletin board will probably be non-related to the main focus of this blog. After all, this will be just an announcement and to let you know what is happening.
Just did a total revamp on the whole website yesterday to give a more professional look and as well as to add a new column so that there will be space for more navigation tools and as well as ads for the blog. From a 2 column green and dark blue theme to become a white, grey and red theme. Having white as the background for the main content should make reading a lot more easier.
In the process of changing the template, I have lost several widget tools and as well as the expandable function of each post. Right now, I am in the process of further refining the blog to make it more user friendly and will probably add a search tool in the future.